Fire Prevention Week: Fire Safety Lesson - fluency, mini book, and interactive journal printables

It is a new season, so you know what that means, right?  Time to change the batteries in your smoke alarm.  It will soon be Fire Prevention Week.  This week is a great time to review rules that help save many lives every year.  Even if you think your students have already heard this before, it is always good to have a refresher.

For those of you who don't have a lot of class time to devote to fire safety lesson, you may want to check out my new fire safety packet.  It is something that can be set up in centers and your students can do independently.  

With the fluency center, students shuffle the cards and sort them into piles.  They will sort by color in the colored version of the game and sort by pattern of the frame around the phrases in the black and white version.  If you want to make this center colorful but don't want to spend extra money on ink, copy it on colored paper or card stock.  Students will put the cards on the sorting sheet.  There is a colorful sorting sheet and black & white sorting sheet.  

Students will practice making sentence that are real and nonsense.  This is also a great center to reinforce sentence formation because students quickly figure out that the card with the capital letter is always first and the card that ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark is the last card.  Not only are they strengthening their fluency skills, but they working on writing skills, too.  Add a few tools like the ones in the picture to make it fun.  I found the finger lights at Michaels.  Students put a green puff ball next to the letter at the beginning of the sentence after checking to make sure it begins with a capital letter.  Then they put a red puff ball on the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.  

There is a black and white version of the word cards that are used to make sentences.  You can print a set of these for your students.  Let them use a BINGO dauber to stamp the beginning letter with green and the ending punctuation mark with red.  Students can put the cards into 3 piles and then make sentences.  I like to use these type of envelopes for homework like the ones in the picture above. They fit easily into pocket folders and binders.  I don't laminate them.  I'm not sure if it is the bright colors, the different style of envelope, or what it is about this type of envelope, but when I send homework in these I have a higher percentage of my students do it and return it.  They are a little pricey but I am able to use the same envelopes year after to year.

After students finish making and reading sentences at the Sentence Shuffle Center, they will complete a writing extension.  There are 3 assignments to choose from so you can differentiate the center.

There is also an fire safety facts mini-book included.  To save time, let your students make the mini-book during center time.  It is an easy center to set up.  All you need are book printables, crayons, scissors, pencil, and stapler.  

There are also 3 printables that you can use with your interactive journal notebooks.  The beginning, middle, end can be used with any book about fire.  You can also set this up as a book center.  Your students will love drawing the body shape to look like a fire fighter.  Afterwards, they will lift the body and list 3 facts about a fire fire fighter.  There is an fire safety at home printable.  Great way to wrap up your fire safety unit.  Hopefully, after studying fire safety your students will go home and discuss what they learned with their family.

Click HERE if you'd like to read more about this.

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